

AXK2542 Nga pire awhi roera ngira, Axial Needle Roller me te Huihuinga Cage

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Ko te roera Axial Needle me te hui kuia o te whare herehere he waahanga katoa kei roto i te whare herehere axial me nga roera ngira. Ka requiew mata pakeke me te whakarōpū hei ara reihi. Ko nga roera ngira Axial he iti te teitei o te waahanga axial ka taea te tautoko i nga kaha axial i tetahi huarahi.Ka taea te whakamahi i te raupapa AXK me te AS, LS, GS ranei nga kaihoroi pana.

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

AXK2542Nga pire awhi roera ngira, Axial Needle Roller and Cage Assembly taipitopitoWhakatakotoranga:


Rauemi : 52100 Chrome Steel

Tere Whakaiti: 8500 rpm

Kaihoroi kawe axial: AS2542

Kaihoroi kawe: LS2542

Taumaha: 0.007 kg


Matua Ahu:

AXK Ko te diameter o te poka (dc):25 mm

Whakaaetanga o te Diameter Bore: 0.04 mm ki te 0.17mm

AS Bore diameter (d): 25 mm

LS Te diameter o te poka (d1):25 mm

AXK Te diameter o waho (Dc): 42 mm

Whakaaetanga o waho diameter: - 0.38 mm ki - 0.13 mm

AS Diamita o waho (D): 42 mm

LS Te diameter o waho (D1): 42 mm

AXK Diameter roera (Dw): 2 mm

AS Diameter roera (B1): 1 mm

LS Diameter roera(B): 3.0 mm

he min: 0.6 mm

Raceway diameter (min.) roera me te whare herehere hui pana (Eb): 29 mm

Raceway diameter (mōrahi) roera me te whare herehere te whakahiato (Ea): 41 mm

Whakatauranga kawenga hihiko(Ca): 14.70 KN

Whakatauranga kawenga pateko(Coa): 58.00 KN


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